
Tip Top People is a Profile Management Platform where Users can maintain their profiles and employment Records .

Organizations have a big challenge of handling HRIS ( Human Resource Information System) in today's job environment where there is a mix of Employees, consultants, contract labor . Especially where there is a contract labor the contractor fails to fulfill his labor law obligations spilling this onto the organizations .

There is a strong need of a De-coupled Profile Management platform where all the Human resources can maintain their own profiles reducing the load on the organization HR  department where they simply have to just on one click on boarding the HRIS can automatically be updated .

The Tip Top People provides a  Profile Platform that solves this major problem of the organizations.

The Platform provides following features:

Profile Management

CV Management

Recruitment Management linked to Profile Management and organization job description

The site provides the features of creating user profile with his appraisal scores thereby building a organic CV which has encrypted information about his performance in his work organizations.

The site has a Business integration enabling  organizations to automatically publish their JD which have fallen vacant our AI tools can scan the users that are not employed or have published their CV for vacancy and provide suitable CV

The site also has a Rating mechanism to shortlist the CV based on the rating parameters set by the organization.

The site also extends the Self service portal for the employees wherein they can manage their leaves, attendance, communication , Blogs etc.

The site provides validated profiles for one click on boarding and employee document Management 

Tip Top HUMS Integration

Self service Portal ( leave, Roaster, Reports)


Auto Induction with My Guide

Appraisal Dashboard


The Platform is also emerging as a Career posting site as the new users and organizations are joining the ecosystem.