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First HRSERP Service

Effectiveness Resource Planning Solution

(Bringing in Effectiveness to Efficiency)

How the Product HRSERP has Evolved Bringing in Effectiveness to Efficiency

Efficiency can be improved with the use of  technology against  human work because Humans would create more errors due to their dynamic Utility quotient ( Mind, Body and communication ) being different for each individual.

Efficiency is Doing things Right Way (Which ERP does) Effectiveness is doing the Right Thing (This ERP doesn’t work on ) The simple equation is Effectiveness (Planning) Drives Efficiency (Execution).

  1. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) It is the integrated management of core business processes, often in real-time and mediated by software and technology.
    ERP is usually referred to a category of business management  software—typically a suite of integrated applications —that an organization can use to collect, store, manage and interpret data from these many business activities.
    The ERP did get Efficiency but could not get Effectiveness because that is where the Humans come in picture as they are the ones who do all the Planning and some control is required on them .
    To standardize the Planning  process  ECS was created to standardize Planning and control of business Processes moved towards more defined planning processes  by enlarging the ERP with other factors that control the Enterprise  thus  Enterprise Control System was created.
  2. Enterprise control Solutions  Interoperating enterprise and industrial Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) provide industrial companies with the potential for problem solutions that cover entire plants and entire industrial enterprises.
    This enterprise-wide system can be developed using systems and technologies previously installed. The resulting system, consisting of multiple vendor products acquired over many years working as a single system, is what is referred to as an enterprise control system.
    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) ,Supply Chain ,Environment and safety Systems, Assets, People
    But even these systems have not proved to actually lead the organizations to effectiveness as all this is also mainly a move in direction to expanding the loop of efficiency management with a granular control and better sync of application and processes integrating people assuming that they are standard item while no two human are similar in Mind, Body and communication and these processes also could not drive efficiencies.
    Thus organizations moved further to address the failure of Enterprise Control systems by turning to
  3. Management Control system.  Management control system (MCS) is a system which gathers and uses information to evaluate the performance of different organizational resources like human, physical, financial and also the organization as a whole in light of the organizational strategies pursued. Management control system influences the behavior of organizational resources to implement organizational strategies. Management control system might be formal or informal.
    Management controls are only one of the tools which managers use in implementing desired strategies. However strategies get implemented through management controls, organizational structure, human resources management and culture.
    Anthony & Young (1999) showed management control system as a black box. The term black box is used to describe an operation whose exact nature cannot be observed.


  • How to find what is the right business process for the organization? ( Human Control )
  • How to implement the Business Processes and best practices ? ( Human Control )
  • How to Monitor the Implementation? ( Human control)
  • How to handle Customization and Technical issues? ( Human Control )
  • How to communicate & link everybody to the common organization objective? ( Human Control )
  • How does the executive know if they are doing the right thing? ( Human Control )
  • How to decide your requirements? ( Human Control )
  • How to create an aligned and effective organization? ( Human Control)
  • How to minimize Communication overloads by showing what is active object  against what has happened ? ( Human Control )
  • How to Drive a culture of growth and development? ( Human Control )
  • How to substitute human intelligence to Artificial intelligence for the purpose of business  planning?  (human control)


Cycle of  Business creation

  • Business can only be created  by humans
  • The reason for starting the business is Utility creation. No business can exist if it does not have utility.  
  • All business produced is finally consumed by Humans.
  • So the beginning of business and end of business is UTILITY .
  • Organizations  start a business to create Utility but are being misdirected to chase the  value creation cycle   (estimate the monetary creation )  
  • Humans Utilize things and these are exchanged for  value which clearly defines that actually business cycle starts with utility and this is where the whole current thinking is going wrong as CURRENT  systems are made to measure value as it is easy to fill the blatant and critical need of the organization  and fill the needs of the organizations in areas that are tangible. These systems fail when it comes to measuring intangible factors like people  because they cannot be measured in terms of value .  
  • Human Needs are Latent with  aspiration  unless these become a part of the business plan, they will never align.  
  • Measuring Human score to create a standardized bench mark is a challenge as Human parameters are  intangible and volatile as no two humans are same.


All we see is that 75% of businesses fail with their business process implementation even after using ERP, ECS and MCS  leaving a mystery why & what is being left out . With our deep research on this subject for years, we have been able to identify the fundamental problem is that all the previous models are trying to measure everything in terms of value by driving efficiency and  have failed to understand that efficiency is only good in demand scenario and fails in competitive scenario as effectiveness is the Key to real success of business processes which cannot be addressed by any current methodologies unless a utility engine is created .

The effectiveness Paradigm is not addressed by current available technology because they have not understood that  businesses starts with UTILITY ( Demand ) and ends with Utility (Consumption ) while all the methods are trying to measure  Tangible intermediate  values  and they have failed in human  dimensions (that is variable as no two humans think, act or communicate similarly)  hence we  require  Human Utility control systems .  The organizations success is an outcome of good strategic planning and  team experience. 

We resolved  an unresolved puzzle because prior art tries to measure them like  value models whereas they can only be measured by Utility  analysis that requires converting Human measurement in some value quotient so that current systems can be completed

  • Actions done by Humans from their mind ( knowledge )
  • Actions done by Humans Physically ( Skills )
  • Communication among humans to coordinate, communicate and transform these above two in some organized information is required and this is done through various communication methods and channels that are actually failing.
  • Creating a Human Utility Index that can be a standardized Bench mark for selection of humans related to Utility requirement ( Different Humans have different utility when it comes to different strategic requirement )