Revolutionary 21st century COMMUNICATION solution
On Boarding and Off boarding is a big cost for a company as opening every employee communication accounts like mail, message etc is the biggest risk to organization information property as the employees leave the organization and carry the information in their accounts and devices. The employees while working even keep storing information in their individual mail boxes eventually making a heap of information that they also can't decide what to do.
We solved the whole problem with one click on board and off board TTmail solution. Features are as below-
- Auto mailbox opening and closing as an account is opened or closed on platform
- No IT knowledge is required to open or close the account
- The account opens as you link an employee to company and the account closes as you delink
- The messages automatically moves to designations on change in profile
- The messages automatically get removed from all user mail boxes if the object is completed
- The messages are automatically linked to objects and Strategy Maps
- The messages automatically archive to one company Database reducing the data space by average 1500%
- The message saves 40% time in communication handling as it all starts with objects .
- Automatic communication scoring using AI Modeling to get user Effectiveness and Efficiency performance
- Automatic pushing of this score in HUI ( Human Utility Index )
- Full Control of organization over its user mail content and data.