Revolutionary 21st century COMMUNICATION solution
- One Communication Platform for entire communication requirements of the organization
- The Platform provides chat, notification , Messmail ( Message and mailing all in one place)
- Unique zero inbox communication engine that uses the OGM Object networks. These networks work as a bridge in the whole ecosystem, track all the communication and automatically group them by objects and open and close for all users based on Object Status reducing communication load by 50%
- Message Threading by Objects
- Conversations threading by subjects
- Object Driven communication is precise and no unwanted communication is used for performance tracking
- Decoupled Data layer with encryption gives full data control to organization
- The analyzer engine tracks the real time communication performance by creating Effectiveness and Efficiency scores
- "One Message and Multiple Mailboxes in place of Multiple message and Multiple Mailboxes" - This feature reduces data size by 1500% and also give one version of truth for all
- "One click mail Box creation and one click Mailbox deletion"- The moment the user is linked to Organization this feature is automatically done
- Role Driven mailbox as messages move to the role in place of forwarding
Business & IT unification common application requirements which is fulfilled by TT Mail:

Unique zero inbox communication engine that uses the OGM Object networks. These networks work as a bridge in the whole ecosystem and track all the communications and automatically threads them by objects and open and close for all users based on Object Status reducing communication load by 50%.
Users get to communicate with TTMail not only within the organization but also their Personal Mail.
Tip Top Mail is innovative Message and Mailing platform that introduces a concept of single message for multiple participants in place of multiple messages for multiple participant available in current mailing solutions.
The platform provides API for a complete messaging solution integrated with any mail client.
The platform has ready API library for following:
- Communication Pipelines
- Auto account creation through org chart
- Auto user, Business user account opening
- Linked to tiptop Platform Org Chart
- Auto user account opening
- Auto escalation of messages based on Platform Delegation Engine
- Mail plugins ( use one mail account for all users with Alias and object AI based threading )
- Internal Messaging
- External Mailing and message threading on response
- Notification
- Chat
- Collobration
- Object threading
- Subject Threading
- Conversations
- Communication Performance metrics
- Zero Inbox
On boarding and off boarding is a cost opening every employee communication accounts like organizations use mail, message etc that is the biggest risk to organization information property as the employees leave the organization and carry the information in their accounts and devices and also the employees even when working keep storing information in their individual mail boxes eventually making a heap of information that they also can't decide what to do.
We solved the whole problem with one click on board and off board TTmail solution. Features are as below
- Auto mailbox opening and closing as a account is opened or closed on platform
- No IT knowledge is required to open or close the account
- The account opens as you link an employee to company and the account closes as you delink
- The messages automatically moves to designations on change in profile
- The messages automatically get removed from all user mail boxes if the object is completed
- The messages are automatically linked to objects and Strategy Maps
- The messages automatically archive to one company Database reducing the data space by average 1500%
- The message saves 40% time in communication handling as it all starts with objects .
- Automatic communication scoring using AI Modeling to get user Effectiveness and Efficiency performance
- Automatic pushing of this score in HUI ( Human Utility Index )
- Full Control of organization over its user mail content and data
Your Logo embedded Mail solution with all personalization features
We have a new communication service solution that has a plug and play feature and gives a communication bridge between users, applications and organizations.
It’s a cloud based architecture with a provision where the data can be managed by the licensee as per his requirement and location giving 100 % data privacy and security as your communication data stays with you we only organize,process and deliver.
Since it is part of Tiptop platform hence it provides inbuilt integration with the different application objects the user has Valid license removing any coding or integration effort as any application plugged into the platform has automatic access to the communication pipeline
- Any communication activity across the platform automatically drops into the mail
- The mail can be used to broadcast any information to users by adding them to groups and this is instant messaging
- Mails can be received through any normal mailing solution avoiding any changes or extra effort .
- Business Mail escalation based on user role in case it has to be attended and the user is not available it will escalate to the assigned user
- The messaging has a strong version control so that changes can be made any time but simultaneously the original data is also accessible based on time filter
- Thread grouping an excellent way to get all communication aligned in one thread
- Mail close and Auto reopen feature helps in keeping pending replies in inbox and also gives communication analytic and score of the user
- Cross application integration like a task can be marked complete from mail itself
- Template management for automating messages based on rules
and many more features that are new and effective in improving communication score of the organizations and users